Los Angeles Home Improvement Blog : Pearl Remodeling

Water Efficiency Facts Everyone Should Know

Jun 10, 2022

Amy Vickers, renowned water conservation expert and author of the book Water Conservation defines water efficiency as the "minimization of the amount of water used to accomplish a function, task, or result." Simply put, water efficiency means doing more with less water.

Just like water purification systems, the importance of water efficiency cannot be overstated. After all, water efficiency can result in substantial savings in money and energy. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that using water-efficient features can reduce energy and help homeowners save up to $380 per year.

If you want to know more about the concept of water efficiency, below are some facts you can look into:

Water Efficiency Examples

Below are the various ways you can practice water efficiency in different settings:

Washing the dishes

The best way to wash dishes would be with an ENERGY STAR-rated dishwasher that will require less than 5 gallons of water per load.

Flushing the toilet

Toilets nowadays are much more efficient than they used to be. That means they now use less water (as little as 1.28 gallons per flush). You can achieve the same effect for higher volume toilets by putting a water-filled jug or brick in the toilet tank.

Taking a shower

One simple and easy way to practice water efficiency when taking a shower is changing showerheads for low-flow models.

Food and cooking

Diets that include more vegetables, grains, and fruits instead of dairy and meat can lessen water use since a lot of water is needed to produce dairy and milk products.

Watering the lawn

Many technologies nowadays can help you practice water efficiency when watering the lawn. For instance, there are drip irrigation systems, irrigation control systems, and moisture sensors, leak detection, for starters.

Washing the car

One of the most efficient ways to wash your car is through a commercial self-service car wash. Typically, commercial car washes use pistol grip nozzles that turn off automatically. They also use high pressure, so cleaning your car would require less water.

Final Thoughts

Water efficiency is not an excuse to waste water or to use more. Also, while water efficiency is vital, it is crucial to remember that conserving water should also be a priority. Now more than ever, every drop should be considered precious.


About the author

Rachel Watson is the Senior Content Editor of Precision Air & Plumbing, a full-service HVAC, plumbing, and home performance contractor operating in Chandler, Arizona. Rachel enjoys yoga and writing articles about how to make home living more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.